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Layout Plugin

By default, Reactlit uses a simple layout system where each display call concatenates a ReactNode to the DOM. This works great for simple applications, where you are ok just showing your content in a single column, but as your application grows, you may want to have more control over the layout.

The plugin provides a layout helper function to let you define more custom layouts with your Reactlit script.

The layout function works via the tunnel-rat library. It takes a number of slots to expose and a render function that defines how those slots are layed out. Then, for each slot, it returns a mini-context with view and display functions that render specifically within that slot.

This is a bit abstract, so let’s look at an example.

import { LayoutPlugin, useReactlit } from '@reactlit/core';
import { TextInput } from './inputs/basic-text-input';
import { ThreeColumnLayout } from './layouts/three-column-layout';
export default function LayoutExample() {
const Reactlit = useReactlit(LayoutPlugin);
return (
{async ({ layout }) => {
const [col1, col2, col3] = layout(ThreeColumnLayout);
col1.display('First Name');
const first = col1.view('first', TextInput);
col2.display('Last Name');
const last = col2.view('last', TextInput);
col3.display('Hello to');
{first} {last}